15:38 | 13.05.15 | News | 2850

    "I Know: Army and Law” game launched

    "I Know: Army and Law” online game developed in partnership with Armenian Defense Ministry, U.S. Embassy, Dasaran.am and “School of New Generation” NGO was launched today.

    This online game is designed for Armenian secondary school students and all other interested citizens.  The educational game will help everyone better understand their rights under the Armenian constitution and the criminal code, and members of the military understand their rights under military legislation.

    “A competent and education citizen should be the basis for our state-building. Knowing human rights is a priority issue”, said Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan.

    In his turn, U.S. Ambassador Richard Mills noted that children are the future of Armenia which considerably depends on how well they know their rights and responsibilities. He said that the game will contribute to acquiring this knowledge.

    “The game is aimed at bringing up a good citizen and good man”, said Dasaran Founding President Suren Aloyan.

    “I Know” intellectual game comprises 5 main sections: Constitutional Law of Armenia, Armenian human rights laws, children’s rights laws, military law and criminal law of Armenia.