10:32 | 23.04.15 | Articles | exclusive 3607

    5 apps about Genocide

    Ahead of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, mobile apps on the topic have been increasing on the internet. Itel.am picked up 5 apps released in April.

    Armenian Genocide app is available on App Store. It is a reference tool to raise awareness and teach about the first Genocide of the 20th century. With maps, a detailed timeline, quotes, survivor accounts, historic dispatches and news reports, the app provides an immersive experience of one of the most important human rights issues of history. By the way, you can also comment and tag yourself on the map.

    Phoenix is available on Google Play.

    To start the app, you should play “Zartnir Lao” song by toughing the phone screen. If you play the rhythm in a right way the clip will become available.

    Requiem app is available on Google Play.

    The app is meant for an all-Armenian flash mob at 11:00 and 21:00 on April 24. The eternal flame will be “lit” on the smartphones with the app and “Dle Yaman” song will be played in commemoration to the Armenian Genocide victims.

    Hishel (“Remember”) app is available on iOS and Android devices, and also has a web version.

    After uploading the app, it will automatically generate your geographical location on the map noting that you acknowledge the fact of Genocide. The users can also make comments. The app been launched this month and has had around 300 downloads so far.

    Anmoruk (“Forget-me-not”) is available on Google Play. The camera app allows adding the forget-me-not symbol on images.

    It should be recalled that a few weeks ago, Itel. am  also wrote about ArmGenocide 1915 website which allows sending challenges to your social network friends through a video raising awareness on the Meds Yeghern ahead of the Armenian Genocide Centennial. The relevant material is available here.

    Narine Daneghyan