15:18 | 21.04.15 | Articles | exclusive 4272

Ahead of Demo Day: Play and Learn will “teach” languages

Early this year Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia had organized “MIC Acceleration” program in which seven local startups took part. 

“MIC Acceleration” Demo Day will be held in April during which the teams will present to Armenian and foreign investors and entrepreneurs the results of the work they did over the past months.

Ahead of the Demo Day, MIC Armenia and Itel.am are sequentially introducing the development history of the seven startups.

Play and Learn is a mobile game through which children will be able to learn languages. It is available on Google Play and Amazon App.

In a couple of months, the game will also be available on AppStore and Windows Phone Market.

The game was developed by Vardan Meliksetyan, Taguhi Abgaryan and Gevorg Balyan. The game only “teaches” English now but a few other languages will be added in future.
Vardan Meliksetyan has told Itel.am that the game has various levels, after completion of each level the children will know a few words on a specific topic (names of fruits, colors).

“We are developing this game for children at the age 3-5 years old. Nowadays children at their early age are fond of cell phones, tablets and usually spend a lot of time playing various games. We thought that those games can be educational and teach them a foreign language”, he said.

In his turn, Gevorg Balyan noted: “We have learnt a lot during these three months, starting from mastering IT skills, developing business way of thinking, ending with gaining basic teamwork skills, which will help us in any IT project or startup. We have learnt how to present our ideas to potential investors or even users”.

The game has passed the preliminary phase and is nominated for DevGAMM 2015 Awards, which will take place on May 15-16, Moscow.