17:53 | 17.11.14 | News | 3017

Protective wall in Berkaber constructed owing to the volunteered investment of Finance and Accounting Department of VivaCell-MTS

Most of the inhabited part of the borderland village Berkaber is under the direct target of the enemy.

During the August events when, among other borderland villages, Berkaber, too, was under regular fire, the village school remained a main target for the enemy. Children’s life is still in danger, especially during the breaks, when they play in the area adjacent to the school.

In view of the constant threat of fire attacks, the construction of a high concrete wall as the most reliable means of defense has no alternative. But the construction works demand financial expenses, which are an additional burden for the budget of every borderland village.

Having learned about the problem and taking into account its urgency and importance, as well as the limited budget of the village, the staff of VivaCell-MTS Finance and Accounting Department, decided to extend a hand of support to the community. Donating money from their personal means, VivaCell-MTS employees undertook the construction of a protective wall. It should be mentioned that the company implementing the construction works – ShinTechService LLC, followed VivaCell-MTS’ example of corporate responsibility and agreed to do the welding of metallic frames free of charge, as an expression of good will.