07:38 | 04.10.12 | News | 3309
Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) supports holding of the Third National Conference on Social Partnership. The event is due to be held in Yerevan and is organized by the Republican Union of Employers of Armenia.
This year, the agenda of the conference includes issues of social dialogue, regional development, specifics and role of an employer. The discussions will be held within two round tables: \"Social Dialogue and Issues of Regional Development\" and \"Cooperation as Method of Joint Solution to Issues of Regional Development\". In particular, the participants discussed the following topics within the conference: \"Social Dialogue and Situation of Industry Development in Armenia\", \"Social Dialogue and Balanced Regional Development\", \"Role of Social Partnership in Development of Small and Medium Enterprise\". The representatives of international companies shared with their own experience, the company reported.
\"The international experience shows that in case of consistent cooperation, the institute of social partnership may become an effective tool for ensuring economic and social development in the country. As a national operator and realizing the whole importance of the role of an employer in problem-solving process of regional development, ArmenTel undertook the role of a social partner not only to its employees but also to the state\", noted Director of Organizational Development and Human Resources Department of ArmenTel Liana Khachatryan.
ArmenTel has been the general sponsor of the National Conference on Social Partnership for already third year.