16:11 | 21.11.11 | News | 5251
Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange Foundation and “Shen” NGO continue implementing charitable projects, directed to development of rural communities in Armenia.
In the frames of charitable projects, two gyms have been opened in the southern regions of Armenia: one in Davit Bek, Syunik region, and the other in Malishka, Vayots Dzor region.
Both gyms are open to the whole community and are not meant only for schoolchildren.
Bruno Duthoit, Chairman of Orange Foundation said: “Orange Foundation has children and vulnerable rural communities in the center of its attention and these are not the first gyms that we support in the regions. I know that both villages needed them, and even more: Malishka has very strong sport traditions, and the availability of a gym is important to keep them alive”.
Orange has allotted in total 8 million AMD for the realization of the two projects.
Three other gyms have been opened in other regions of Armenia with the support of Orange earlier this year: in Marmashen (Shirak), in Jujevan and Noyemberyan (Tavush).