10:07 | 25.07.11 | News | 4249

“ArmenTel” CEO loves extreme sports

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Beeline Extreme 2011 open international championship took place on July 24 in Yerevan.

Representatives of Armenia, Georgia and Iran took part in the championship organized by 4×4 Off Road club.

The first test-drive of Beeline Extreme 2011 was carried out by “ArmenTel” CEO Igor Klimko and 4×4 Off Road Director Artashes Stepanyan, the organizer of the championship.

“I was also keen on this sport some time ago. It gives a great adrenaline rush and it is a good way for extreme sports lovers to entertain themselves. Our company welcomes the organization of such events and urges to be more active: it is no mere chance that I took part in the first test-drive”, said Igor Klimko to BRAVO.am portal.