14:13 | 13.07.11 | News | 2687

Orange Fund and Armenian Ophthalmologic Project will help people with vision problems

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange Fund, jointly with Armenian Ophthalmologic Project (AOP), has launched their charitable program.

Mediamax reports that the President of Orange Fund Board Bruno Duthoit said today that within the framework of cooperation, free of charge ophthalmologic examinations for all residents of Shirak Marz of Armenia will be carried out in August-September, 2011, and treatment of socially insecure people will be held.

“The Fund has a humanistic mission. We gladly join this project, since it will really improve the life of people”, Bruno Duthoit said.

Head of AOP Office Nune Yeghiazaryan informed that AOP mobile hospital will visit 2 urban and 44 rural settlements of Ani, Artik, Akhuryan, Ashotsk and Amasia regions of Shirak Marz.

The total cost of the project makes AMD 24mln, AMD 9mln of which was allocated by Orange Fund. Due to this, they plan to hold not only ophthalmologic examination of residents, but also carry out 250 surgeries and laser treatments, as well as provide around 1200 glasses.