13:14 | 15.03.10 | News | 3515

    Intel education seminar in process in Yerevan

    Yerevan/Mediamax/. Education seminar of Intel Corporation for Armenian teachers is in process in Yerevan today.

    Mediamax reports that the seminar aims at explaining to teachers and lecturers in higher educational institutions the program of Intel “World Ahead”, which provides or access of educational institutions to advanced technologies, content, building of interschool and interuniversity networks and development of distance learning, as well as holding retraining of teachers so that they meet modern challenges.

    Seminar host, Intel expert of information technologies’ use in the sphere of education Robert Fogel stated that Intel “World Ahead” program has already involved countries with the total population of 1.2bln people, and at present Intel spreads this program to countries with the total population of 1bln.

    According to Robert Fogel, training of children and students for yet non-existent types of activity and assistance for their adaptation to the constantly changing world is the focus of the corporation’s educational program.

    “The education system in the world will change beyond recognition in the course of a decade, digital education will in many respects substitute the traditional one, educational system will change from instructor centric to student centric, that is to say, the student will be in the center of all possible educational resources, having gained the chance to study anywhere and anytime”, Robert Fogel stated.

    According to him, the teacher’s role at that is by no means belittled, on the contrary, it becomes even more important in motivating the student. In this context, Robert Fogel stressed importance of forming the “online pyramid” of teachers, in which representatives of different generations may constantly exchange experience and new knowledge.

    Agreement on holding Intel seminar in Yerevan was reached during Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian’s visit to the USA in November, 2009, within the framework of “ArmTech” congress.