16:25 | 23.07.21 | News | 6620

Viva-MTS and the Fuller Center will build a house for a homeless family

In the current year, Viva-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia will try to assist families who have become homeless as a result of war, as well as families who arrived from Artsakh and rent houses in different regions of Armenia. The other target group of socially insecure families will still stay in the center of attention of partner organizations. For many years, the willingness of partners to be useful to the country and to the society is one of the best examples of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Mikayelyans from Hadrout province moved to Vayots Dzor region and currently rent a house in Areni village. Taron, the eldest son of the family, who participated in the four-day and forty-four-day wars, chose his father's path and became a military man. It's already 11 years that Taron is faithful to his military oath and has been defending his Homeland with unwavering devotion. However, he does not like to talk about his service or the hard days of the war; tries not to disquiet his future wife and mother. The Mikayelyans who have lost their house and livelihood, are now trying to recover and the partner organizations, Viva-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia will support them in it. The family is included in the housing project and, by the end of the year, a house will be built from the scratch.

“We moved to Artsakh when my son was appointed as a military officer. It was Sunday when the 44-day war started. I was working in a bakery. The first thing that came to my mind was where my son was. Then I saw him... he was running. I can't remember that moment without disquietude. We had everything there, we have created our home. Then, in a second, we lost everything, but I even did not care about it as my son was in the battlefield. My husband has been a military man too. He understood everything and tried to convince me that nothing would happen to our son. When many had already left Hadrut, I was displaced too. My husband stayed with my son. And when they returned after the war, my husband was diagnosed with acute leukemia due to stress. On the day of his 50th birthday, my husband passed away and that day he asked me to stand next to our sons and to solve the housing problem. Suffering does not kill one, it makes the person stronger. I should be next to my sons and my daughter-in-law and keep my promise,” said the mother of the family, Lilik Mikayelyan.

"There are situations in life when all the doors seem to be closed and it seems that there is no way to overcome the existing problems. No matter how difficult it may be to convey optimism to your family, I will try to do so. Choose not the despair, but the way to move forward with faith. Together with our partners, we are by your side. This program will allow you to steady yourself. And now promise that when the construction starts, you will strengthen your hope and will with every wall built and every stone laid,” said Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian during the video call.

In the frames of the housing project being implemented in ten regions of Armenia, through the financial investment of Viva-MTS, it is planned to build, purchase or renovate houses for 84 families. In 2021, Viva-MTS invested AMD 225 mln. for the implementation of housing project.