12:44 | 12.08.20 | News | 14565

Ucom Customers to Transfer 105 Million Drams to the Insurance Foundation for Servicemen

Ucom will transfer 105 million drams on behalf of its subscribers to the Insurance Foundation for Servicemen, taking into account the direction and importance of the latter’s activity. The decision has been made on the basis of the results of free SMS-voting and calls among Ucom fixed services’ subscribers.

The anonymous SMS-voting was carried out by “Nikita Mobile” company through the collection of the subscribers’ opinions on the disposal of the amount, sent to 1004 short number. 74.85% of thousands of subscribers have voted in favor of transferring 105 million AMD to the Insurance Foundation for Servicemen, while 25.15% voted in favor of distributing the amount among the subscribers.

“Despite this difficult period for the Company: the simultaneous departure of a large number of employees, technical and financial challenges, the Company has put continous efforts to resolve all tasks. We wouldn’t have liked the results of internal processes and settlement works to be visible to our subscribers, for which we apologize. We are really grateful to our customers for their patience, understanding and loyalty, and the decision to allocate funds is just our way of being thankful”, said Ara Khachatryan.