11:49 | 24.10.19 | News | 8888

Residents of 5th cycle of Beeline Startup Incubator receive investments and prizes

The team of Beeline Startup Incubator has already started working with 5 resident startups of the 5th cycle. The startups have registered significant progress thanks to the intensive classes, discussions and individual works.
The first major success was the investment in Forge Fiction startup, made by Business Angel Network of Armenia (BANA), SmartGateVC and Science and Technology Angel Network (STAN).
The second success was made within the frames of WCIT 2019. Lightning Rounds startup contest was held in Yerevan for the first time, and 2 of the 6 winners were residents of the 5th cycle of Beeline Startup Incubator. One of the three first positions was taken by ForgeFiction (USD 25 000), one of the three second positions - by GebeCert (USD 10 000). The winners were presented with Armenian Tech Community Prize on behalf of the Armenain IT community.
“Our incubator attaches special importance not only to providing knowledge, but also supporting the progress of the startup teams, which is why we consider successes in similar major events as our achievements. We will definitely continue supporting the teams,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.
The selected startups take advantage of the incubator’s resources, expert consultations and the opportunity to experiment in an active entrepreneurial environmen