16:34 | 14.06.19 | Armenia Startup Academy | exclusive 208345

Armenia Startup Academy graduates: MLabel

In this column Itel.am presents the fourth batch of Armenia Startup Academy graduates.

MLabel is an online platform, which facilitates and accelerates the data labeling process with the help of machine learning.

Currently the platform can be used for collecting bases of photo classification. Later the startup plans to make the platform accessible for text, voice and other types of data.

MLabel team includes 3 specialists. Sipan Muradyan is the machine learning specialist, who is the leader of the program. Davit Muradyan is the web developer, and Ovsanna Papikyan is responsible for human resources and processes.

In an interview to Itel.am, Sipan Muradyan informed that they target IT companies and individuals, who use machine learning technologies.

“These companies collect huge data bases and spend a lot of time on labeling the data. Currently it’s done one by one. We have developed a machine learning algorithm, which facilitates this responsibility by observing the labeling process and making suggestions for accomplishment of group-by-group labeling, which reduces the amount of time it requires,” he emphasized.

According to him, the participation in Armenia Startup Academy program helped the team register results in a short period of time.

“We only had the idea ready, when we applied for this program. We had little knowledge about startups. This opportunity allowed us not only to acquire theoretical knowledge, but also get practical advice, motivation, helping us in defining our future direction. We also found new friends and acquaintances,” Sipan Muradyan said.

MLabel has the prototype of the platform and plans to launch it in August.