11:06 | 07.11.18 | News | 12328

Beeline Armenia sums up social investment programs of 2017

Beeline Armenia has summed up the social investment programs of 2017.

In the framework of “Leave Your Mark” strategy, the company opened Beeline Startup Incubator, where startups in the early stage of development work on their ideas with mentors to get a final product, which they pitch to potential investors.

The company organized a hackathon for young IT specialists in cooperation with Microsoft Innovation Center. The contestants developed innovative Big Data solutions, and the best teams were awarded prizes. One of the most notable events assisted by Beeline was Sevan Startup Summit 2017, which hosted around 1000 participants, investors, and representatives of IT industry.

Beeline also supported the courses for school students, organized by World Vision Armenia and Child Development Foundation. The courses taught children in marzes how to use internet safely and make videos about the issues in their marzes in order to find solutions.

“We are committed to VEON Group’s approach, which is why we provide knowledge to young people so that they can improve their lives on their own. Our company has vast experience in telecom and IT, and we are certain we can share that experience with young people and contribute to development of this promising sector in Armenia,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.