17:20 | 03.09.18 | News | 8524

Armenian President visits Dasaran Educational Center

President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian has visited Dasaran Educational Center ahead of the new academic year.

President Sarkissian briefly attended Dasaran’s workshop on modern educational models, inclusive education and the Armenian system of children’s rights protection, organized for public school teachers and educators.

During the visit, the president learned about Dasaran’s unique E-Stat Diagnostic Tool on Public Education, which is an advanced online statistical-analytical tool that provides comprehensive insights into the education system and allows for effective monitoring of schools and more accurate measurement of education indicators across the country.

Armen Sarkissian also observed school students’ practical “First Aid” training at Dasaran, which aims to teach correct behavioral patterns for emergency situations.

“Dreaming is the best way to explore and find truth, without a dream one does not know where to head to,” said the President during the interactive conversation with the children.