16:28 | 15.11.17 | News | 20356

VivaCell-MTS supports construction of houses in Saralanj village

As a result of the successful partnership VivaCell-MTS and “Fuller Center for Housing” Armenia have granted many families the happiness of celebrating housewarming.

This time, the heads of the partnering organizations have visited Saralanj village of Shirak region, where the results of the partnership have become tangible for the Simonyan family.

The house built 50 years ago was dilapidated and needed renovation. The fulfillment of the Simonyan family’s cherished dream had started, when months ago the volunteers of the organizations, together with the family members, had carried out construction works. Today, the family members feel the happiness of owing a decent home: the leaking roof and the damp walls, the lack of bathroom and the concreted entrance instead of a kitchen are now in the past.

“It is a happy day for us; we have an opportunity to host people who fulfilled our cherished and seemingly-impossible dream. One does not need a lot to be happy, but sometimes even that little is unachievable. The housing problem is in the past now, and the everyday problems do not seem so difficult anymore. When you have a safe roof over your head, winter or other problems cannot frighten you,” said the family father, Eduard.

Owing to the six-year partnership of VivaCell-MTS and “Fuller Center for Housing” Armenia, decent housing, healthy environment and confidence in the future have been granted to 150 families.

For another family, the Mkrtchyans, living in the same village, the day was festive. The family of 10 was so happy to host VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian who provided financial support personally, in order to support the family with renovation of the leaking roof.

“The results of all implemented programs can be evaluated by two criteria: the measurable outcome and the impact on the lives of people. After so many years of waiting, the Simonyan family will live under a safe roof, and this in itself is an invaluable achievement. Yet all the more important is helping the family regain confidence and faith in future. Physical strength is not sufficient for building a house: one needs determination and persistence to overcome the problems. For all these years, together with our partner organization, we have been striving to instill will and optimism in our compatriots,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“Our visit is not only an act of monitoring but another opportunity to be next to our families and to share with them their happiness, which, in many cases, solves rather serious psychological problems. Investing in housing we create not only a healthy environment for family members, but also create a foundation for a better future,” said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

In 2017, VivaCell-MTS invested AMD 31 mln for the implementation of the housing project; altogether over AMD 370 mln has been invested.