16:50 | 12.05.17 | News | 14744

VivaCell-MTS to solve housing problem for one more family in Katnaghbyur

One of the families having a half-built house in Katnaghbyur village of Aragatsotn region has been selected for assistance for the 2017 housing project financed by VivaCell-MTS and implemented by Fuller Center for Housing Armenia.

The study visit turned into a surprise for the 52-year-old homeowner Hayk Baghdasaryan and his family. Taking into consideration the compliance with the conditions of the program, the family was told about becoming a beneficiary.

The foundation of the Bagdasaryans’ house have been dug 20 years ago when they were full of hope that finishing the house construction is not a difficult problem. Till now the homeowner was able to build only the walls and to partly protect it with concrete ceiling. The construction was stopped and it became a dream to turn the half-built house into a decent home.

It is already two decades, Hayk’s family, his wife and the three adult sons, had to live first at Hayk’s paternal house, then rented the neighbor’s half-damaged house. The elder son, Argishty, serves in the Armenian Army, in Martakert. The other two sons are schoolchildren.

The partner organizations, that have given moments of happiness to more than a hundred families, now give confidence for the future to one more family. The construction of the half-built house of the Baghdasaryan family will be finished till the end of the year.

“My happiness is endless. It's so long we have not heard any good news. All our life, my entire family, my wife, my sons and I have worked hard to finish the construction of our half-built house, but it was hopeless. We could care only everyday needs. Today it’s a happy day for us,” said the father of the family, Hayk.

“The housing project supports low income families in building and renovating their houses. The housing problem in Armenia is big and we have to select the families; we visit them, evaluate the level of the housing need, then start the construction with the selected family and finish it till the end of the year. I am happy for this family, as well as for all the other families who will have a decent place to live in till the end of this year, thanks to partnership between VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center,” said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.