10:52 | 21.04.17 | News | 14120

ClimateLaunchpad acceleration contest accepts applications

New Technology Education Fund in partnership with Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchpad launches ClimateLaunchpad Armenia 2017 Startup Business Ideas Competition.

The aim of the competition is creating a stage for the people with great cleantech ideas and helping them develop those ideas into startups to bring about global impact. Even applicants with seed stage business ideas are most welcome to join.

Applications are submitted via the following link. Application deadline is May 14, 2017.  

The program involves 6 coaching sessions for final pitching in the National competition.

To submit the application startups should make sure that they:

•    have not yet started a business or started it less than one year ago;
•    have no substantial revenue;
•    have attracted no more than EUR 200 000 in investment;
•    have not yet sold products, solutions or prototypes on commercial terms.

The startup teams of the national finals will introduce their ideas in front of the National Jury. Top 3 of National finalists will have a chance to pitch their idea in front of international jury in Cyprus in October 17-18, 2017.  Top 3 European finalists will get EUR 10 000, EUR 5000 and EUR 2500 prizes.

ClimateLaunchpad is the largest European competition of business ideas for clean technologies.