11:58 | 06.09.16 | News | exclusive 13227

#Accelerate2030 Armenian nominees are known

The semi-final of Armenia’s #Accelerate2030 qualifying stage took place, where 3 top ventures were selected from 11 participants.

These 3 best teams from Armenia are NewsDeeply, One Armenia and Dasaran.am. All 11 teams had 3 minutes each to present their projects.

At the next stage the international jury will evaluate applications from 10 countries and choose the best 5 that will participate in the Social Good Summit Geneva. Final results will be revealed on September 9.

#Accelerate2030 is held by the joint efforts of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Impact Hub.

Co-founder and CEO of Impact Hub Yerevan Sara Anjargolian

During selection, we attached importance to innovative approach in the projects, as well as relevance to the Sustainable Development Goals, and business model. Absence of a business model makes it impossible to pass to the next stage. We also paid special attention to scalability and impact, to how widely the ideas can spread in the world. Another important element was the team.

Head of Kolba innovative lab Marina Mkhitaryan

Let’s say we discuss some models, and we tell, for instance, that One Armenia is doing a fantastic job in Armenia. How could their ideas be applied in Kenya? As a result, we found many models that can be used in other countries. Of course, there are some ideas that work perfectly in Armenia, but have an exclusively local character. We were delighted by NewsDeeply, the platform created in Armenia, which is a completely new model to provide news.

Operations & Outreach Manager at One Armenia Anahit Galstyan

Participation in the upcoming event in Geneva will allow One Armenia to present on the international platform not only us, but also the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Armenia.

Director of Operations at NewsDeeply Arpine Grigoryan

We would love to communicate with other social enterprises that do similar work and cooperate with similar teams in media. We care about communication and recognition, which will facilitate creation of new platforms.

Dasaran Educational Program founder Suren Aloyan

We are happy that by entering Accelerate 2030, Dasaran Educational Program can get an opportunity to participate in the Social Good Summit Geneva and introduce the world to successful innovative models for education. Through our work, we aim to bring more recognition for Armenia not so much as the country that survived genocide, but as a country that uses and exports modern education models.
#Accelerate2030 aims to support and promote promising and beneficial enterprises worldwide, which work on implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).