06:55 | 09.06.16 | IT Teens | exclusive 8471

IT Kids. Vahe Pinachyan

It’s a proved fact that love for technologies begins in childhood. Today students go to school with smartphones and do their homework on tablets.

There are many teenagers in Armenia now, who not only use smartphones and tablets but also try to create something on their own - a game, an app or a program.

Itel.am continues its series, presenting Armenian teenagers who’ve been interested in technologies since early childhood and create products in this industry.

Despite young age, 12-year-old Vahe Pinachyan has been studying technologies for a year already. Vahe participated in C++, HTML, CSS and Javascript web-development classes at the Microsoft Innovation Center.


I’m learning C# now, and I’m going to write my first program after I master it. I don’t know yet what the program will be about.

My uncle encouraged me to go into technologies, he works at Facebook.  He came to the industry at my age too.

Vahe Pinachyan


I will probably specialize in C++, but I haven’t decided for sure yet. You need to be good at maths to become a good web-developer, understand algorithms and C++. It makes everything easier. You also need patience and practice.

I want to begin working at an IT company when I’m 16-17 years old.

I’d like to continue my education abroad, then work in Google, for instance. However, I have to found my own company eventually.

Vahe Pinachyan

Blitz questions

- Would you prefer to play football in the street or a computer game at home?

- Play Minecraft at home. I use computer for around 1 one daily. I play in the yard every other day, but not very often.

- Imagine computers and smartphones disappeared from the face of the Earth. What would you do?

- I have more time to spend with my family (laughs - edit.). If there is no more chess or other games, than yes, I am very bored.

- What would you spend your first million on?

- I would invest in my second company.

Vahe Pinachyan

- A vacation in the Silicon Valley or on the Maldives?

- It’s hard to choose. It must be great on the Maldives, but I’ll pick Silicon Valley.

- What famous IT person would you like to dine with?

- I’d invite Mark Zuckerberg. I would ask him how he came up with the idea of Facebook. We would eat steak, because it’s my favourite dish.

Narine Daneghyan
Photos by Emin Aristakesyan