13:50 | 15.03.16 | News | 3793

VivaCell-MTS supports student NGOs

Twelve student non-governmental organizations received grants in the frames of “Entrepreneurial and Civic Activism for Students of Vulnerable Communities of Armenia”.

The program was aimed at ensuring literacy of students in the spheres of economy and entrepreneurship. The students had opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice by founding commercial organizations. In the frames of the program, the students got acquainted with the principles of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and elaborated a strategy for student business companies.

“Junior Achievement of Armenia” is the first NGO to have applied Corporate Social Responsibility strategies in the sphere of public education. CSR is a relatively new concept in the Armenian business community. The students learnt about CSR on the example of VivaCell-MTS – the pioneer of Corporate Social Responsibility in Armenia.

In 2011, VivaCell-MTS and “Junior Achievement of Armenia” signed a memorandum of understanding delineating areas of cooperation in the field of education.

«It is very important to use the opportunities life has prepared for you. In this respect, I appreciate the enthusiasm of these young people that have gathered here. To achieve success, you should be ready to take risks and to learn from others’ success stories. This can enrich your knowledge making you more provident, competent, and successful. VivaCell-MTS appreciates and encourages the striving of young people to acquire knowledge and new skills », VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

Over 150 student non-governmental organizations from all the regions of the country participated in the contest organized by “Junior Achievement of Armenia”. The winners will use the grants for the implementation of various social projects in their respective communities.

The “Entrepreneurial and Civic Activism” program seeks to instill among the youth of vulnerable communities the belief in their own capabilities and in a bright future.

The program is sponsored by “JHM” Benevolent Foundation and “HSBC” Bank. The event is organized within the framework of “Global Money Week”.