14:29 | 18.02.16 | Articles | exclusive 4481

Ahead of Demo Day: Filmer to help you choose the right film

Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia (MIC) will conclude its Acceleration Program for innovative solution startups that included 12 local startups, by Demo Day on February 21 at Ayb School.

The teams will introduce results of the work they completed in the last months to IT specialists, potential investors and entrepreneurs on that day.

On the eve of Demo Day, MIC Armenia and Itel.am present the stories of 12 startups.

Filmer mobile application will take into account your preferred film genre, films you watched and your rating for them, and suggest you a film of the same genre that you’ll like with 80% probability.

Startup founders are Robert Asaturyan and Artyom Dangizyan.

Robert Asaturyan told Itel.am that users can add their friends in the application and see what films they watch. Moreover, the app allows to watch films together.

“Technical work is almost done, and the first version will be released very soon. We target only the Armenian market at this moment, however, we plan to introduce the app at the international market after certain improvements,” noted Filmer co-founder.

According to him, they received valuable advice during the Acceleration Program.
“We had a raw idea but didn’t know who should be our target. We didn’t understand the technical aspect of making the app low-cost but very convenient. Owing to the Program, we got the opportunity of 3-year free use of Azure, where our app is located,” concluded Robert Asaturyan.

Narine Daneghyan