11:57 | 05.02.16 | News | 5193

Ralph Yirikian supports people living in Khachik village

The housing problem of two more families is solved in the the borderland Khachik village of Vayots Dzor region. With the personal support of Ralph Yirikian one family has finished the construction of their half-built house, and another one has renovated the roof of its house. For the housing project Fuller Center for Housing Armenia has yet again undertaken the organization of the construction works.

Ralph Yirikian and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan visited Khachik community to share the joy of housewarming with the families.

Four months ago the Kourekhyans still lived in a house of 4th level of damage rate that could not be renovated; even more, there was a danger that it could collapse any moment. Four years ago the family started the construction of their new house but could build only the walls and the ceiling.  Support was needed for completing the construction of the half-built house and they got it. Now everything has changed; the family feels the magic power of the good will.

“Our village is on the border, and we have somehow adapted to living with the feeling of danger. But it is even more horrible when you feel that not the enemy but your own house can put the life of your family under danger. My family is one of those living in a shelter of 4th level of damage rate. With help of the great man now we have not only a safe but also a decent and a comfortable home. Frankly speaking it was not a surprise for us; we believed that Mr Yirikian can't stay indifferent. May God bless him and his family,” said Kamo, the father of the Kourekhyan family.

For the Hovhannisyans living in neighborhood of the Kourekhyans the year was fruitful too; thanks to the support of Mr. Yirikian the family could renovate the dilapidated asbestos roof that was completely decomposed and the house was damaged due to rains and thaws.

“There are people who by their nature demonstrate the classic example of being a humanist – be that in work, in family, in everyday life. It is impossible to imagine Ralph Yirikian without helping someone. On behalf of my family I want to extend our gratitude to him and his family for becoming a helping hand for us,” said Vardan, the Hovhannisyan family father.