16:24 | 14.01.16 | News | 3821

VivaCell-MTS supports housewarming of 2 families in Yervandashat

40 families of different regions of Armenia started the New Year with joy and new hopes in their new or renovated homes.

At the end of 2015 the construction of a half-built house was completed and the roof of another family's house was renovated in Yervandashat village of Armavir region owing to the partnership between VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia. VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan participated in the housewarming ceremony of the happy families.

In 2014 another 9 families of Armavir region were assisted through the housing project. Altogether, in 2014-2015, 11 families of Armavir region were assisted.

The Karapetyans started the construction of their house 25 years ago but could not finish it. All these years they have been living in tin shelters, where the two sons of the family were born and raised.

“The New Year holidays are gone but the festive spirit is still with us. This is probably the most remarkable and joyous New Year ever for me and my family. After many years of expectation we met the New Year in our new and bright home. The poor housing conditions have affected my children’s health.

Now I can at least be sure that their health is somehow insured. I am grateful for the significant change in our lives,” said Anoush, the mother of the Karapetyan family.

“It is pleasant to start the events of 2016 with a housewarming. We now see the results of the program that had commenced last year. The construction period was long and laborious for the cooperating sites, but, perhaps, seemed as the shortest year to families who had finally acquired a house after years of anticipation. The highest proof of the program’s success is the smile of the people who have been relieved of their housing problem. The implemented program is important not only from the perspective of granting social security. It also provides moral support: an example of extending a hand of help to families, which are not able to solve their social problems. Taking into account the significance of the housing program, we now announce that we will continue implementing it this year as well,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“The happiness of this family is also our happiness and the guarantee of our success. I hope this year will also be productive. A lot can be changed with joint forces. I am sure there will come a day when each Armenian family has a safe home,” said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

In 2015 VivaCell-MTS invested AMD 100 million for the housing project, and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia has undertaken the implementation of the project. Through this partnership, since 2007 the number of the families having their houses renovated or the construction of the half-built houses completed is 93.