18:17 | 15.10.14 | News | 3268

VivaCell-MTS resumes the Open Doors Days for schoolchildren and students

VivaCell-MTS resumes the Open Doors Days for schoolchildren and students: this time Company hosted 25 pupils from the Yerevan Yeghishe Charents School.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian presented to the young guests the history of the development of mobile communication from the moment of its inception to the latest developments in the sphere of telecommunications.

He also shared with them about the principles and intricacies of the operation of base stations, about the benefits, risks and ethics of using mobile phone and Internet services.

The schoolchildren also got acquainted with the history of creation of VivaCell-MTS. The General Manager of the Company shared the secrets of success with the youth. The guests together with Ralph Yirikian had a toured inside the company and got acquainted with the operational processes of the Commuting Center, Call Center and Service Center.

“I think it will be useful if we share the rich experience and the practical skills accumulated during the many years of work with the young generation. Finding your own path to success and learning from mistakes is, no doubt, important, but there are moments when one feels the need for guidance and for learning from others experience.  There are certain principles and ideas that should be instilled in the youth from the young age irrespective of the profession they will choose later,” commented VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.