16:31 | 30.04.14 | News | 3228

Orange Foundation completes its 3rd year of activity in Armenia

Orange Foundation completed its 3rd year of activity in Armenia.

Being one of the first corporate foundations in Armenia, Orange Foundation has the mission to help the vulnerable members of the society, giving them larger possibilities to communicate, to live and create together, as well as to support the sustainable development of the rural communities in Armenia.

Projects implemented by the Foundation are focused mainly on three areas: education, healthcare, as well as rural community development.

“Being a part of the Armenian society, alongside with the democratization of communication services, it is one of our roles to support and contribute to its human development. Taking this opportunity I would like to thank all our partners, together with who during these 3 years we have implemented a big number of our projects, as well as Orange customers, who have helped us through the SMS charity project, proving that together we can do more” said Francis Gelibter Chairman of the Board of Orange Foundation.

On the occasion of  the 3rd anniversary of Orange Armenia Foundation an official website of the Foundation -http://foundation.orangearmenia.am  has been launched, where people can find information on how to participate to the activities of the Foundation and as well check the results of already implemented projects.

During its 3 years of activities among other initiatives Orange Foundation supported more than 250 students providing them with scholarships to cover tuition fee, through partnership with Shen NGO opened computer rooms in more than 18 rural communities, furnished more than 11 gyms and renovated 6 kindergartens. In cooperation with Armenian Eye Care Project Orange Foundation supported more than 50000 people to receive free of charge eye care treatment and financed more than 4000 surgeries and laser treatments. Aiming at the economic development of rural communities Orange Foundation has initiated “One village” project in the frames of which selected rural communities are financed and long term  lasting job opportunities are created to support and sustain economic development of the community. Such large scale community development projects have already been implemented in Berdavan (Tavush region) and Hartavan (Aragatsotn region).

Orange Foundation has provided possibility for Orange employees to directly participate to its activities, presenting their own philanthropic projects and ideas. The ones selected are further implemented by the Foundation.

Another project implemented by the Orange Foundation, in cooperation with World Vision Armenia, is the “Let’s keep children home” SMS charity initiative, which enables Orange subscribers to have their contribution and make donations through SMS. Collected sums are further doubled by the Foundation and used to support financially vulnerable families to bring their children home from governmental institutions by providing them with the means for sustainable income. Thanks to this project more than 30 children have already returned home, since June 2012.