15:53 | 25.10.13 | News | 2988

ArmenTel doesn’t agree with the SCPEC’s decision while Orange Armenia hails it

ArmenTel doesn’t agree with the decision made by the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) of Armenia which penalized the company at the amount of AMD20mln.

ArmenTel’s spokeswoman Anush Begloyan told Mediamax today that the company learnt about the Commission’s decisions from the media.

"We were extremely surprised by the decision. Our representative was not invited to the Commission’s session today though he attended all the previous discussions. The bases for the decision are not clear for us", said Anush Begloyan.

She noted that the company is waiting for the official text of the SCPEC’s decision.

Talking to Mediamax, Orange Armenia spokeswoman Lilit Martirosyan stated that the company hails the company’s decision. According to Orange Armenia representative, "the company filed a complaint to the SCPEC to restore healthy competition on the market which was confirmed by today’s decision".