12:07 | 10.04.13 | News | 3370

ArmenTel: Nothing threatens Iran-Armenia trunk channel

Nothing threatens Iran-Armenia trunk channel, ArmenTel spokeswoman Anush Begloyan told Mediamax.

Commenting on the information on the request of the American Securities And Exchange Commission, SEC, concerning Iran-Armenia trunk channel, Anush Begloyan said that SEC didn't file any additional requests as of now.

Confirming the existence of Armenia-Iran trunk channel, VimpelCom stressed that it doesn't have any representation in Iran, doesn't own any assets and doesn't supply any equipment and technology. And finally, VimpelCom is not an American company and that's why the sanctions cannot be applied against it.

"If there is new  other news, VimpelCom and ArmenTel inform the society about it", Anush Begloyan said.