11:01 | 15.03.13 | News | 2945

British Film Festival starts in marzes with ArmenTel support

ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) and British Council Armenian office supported by the British Embassy in Yerevan announce the start of the regional program of the 11th British Film Festival.

Within March 2013, residents of Syunik, Aragatsotn and Kotayk marzes will be able to watch the works of the film makers involved in the special program of the Festival. Films will be shown in regional centers of marzes - Goris, Hrazdan and Ashtarak.

On March 16-18, film screenings will be held in Syunik, in the State Theater of Dram of Goris town. On March 19-21- Aragatsotn, Cultural Center of Ashtarak, on March 22-24 - Kotayk, City Drama Theater of Hrazdan. All in all, the residents of the regions will be able to watch 9 films from the program of the 11th British Film Festival.

"The art of cinematography is traditionally in demand in Armenia. The school of Armenian cinematography gave the world many great film directors, artists and camera men. It's the rich cultural life in the regions that contributes to emerging new names. That's why we think it important to help young people in marzes to familiarize themselves with the new works of the world cinematography, feel how the planet is breathing, think over the problems that foreign film masters voice. We are glad to be able to make the screening of British films available to the people in various corners of our country as they're screened in Yerevan", noted acting CEO of ArmenTel Karen Shahnazaryan.

After the special program is over, the screenings will be held in military units.--0--