06:51 | 30.11.12 | News | 3462

ArmenTel presents books to the school libraries in Armenian regions

Yerevan/Mediamax/. School libraries of the villages of Myasnikyan, Lernagog, Karakert, Dalarik, Shenik and Argin of Armavir marz were granted books with ArmenTel support (Beeline brand) and also schools of the villages of Arteni and Aragatsavan of Aragatsotn marz were replenished with new books.

\"ArmenTel\" joined the initiative of \"Children of Armenia\" fund to replenish the library fund of the regional schools and presented libraries of schools illustrated books on history and culture of Armenia.

\"As a national operator, \"ArmenTel\" was inspired to handle the issue of enriching the library fund of the regional schools of Armavir and Aragatsotn marzes. The role of book as the best guide on the path of development and improvement of human abilities is especially underlined in the treasuries of knowledge. We consistently help school libraries throughout the country realizing the enlightened society is the main pledge for building a bright future of the Armenian state\", noted \"ArmenTel\" CJSC CEO Igor Klimko.

In early 2012, ArmenTel and \"Children of Armenia\" fund signed a memorandum on long-term cooperation within which \"Improvement of Teaching Skills through Innovative Technologies\" program and \"Let\'s Clean the Environment from Polyethylene Parcels\" were implemented. The project had an ecological element and was aimed at developing entrepreneurship in the Armenian regions.