14:24 | 14.08.12 | News | 2684

ArmenTel compensates for the outage in mobile network

Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) announced today that the incidents registered in the company\'s network resulted from the instability of the new software version.

\"\"ArmenTel\" CJSC immediately took up all the necessary steps to fully replace the relevant equipment and systems. The company will present the more detailed information on the reasons of outages and work of the Public Services Regulatory Commission of Armenia upon the received request. A detailed analysis of reasons and outcomes of the incident will be conducted jointly with the Commission\", the company\'s statement reads.

ArmenTel \"presented its deepest apologies\" to the subscribers for the inconveniences and announced the start of providing compensations to subscribers of Beeline mobile network.

Compensation of 30 free in-network minutes and 10 MB of mobile internet will be provided both to individuals and corporate customers of the company. Starting from August 16, 2012, the subscribers may sent their requests on getting free minutes and MB by sending a free USSD *444# command and getting an SMS on the provided bonuses. The subscribers may use the minutes and MB from 0:00 of August 17 within 10 calendar days. After the expiration, they will be charged under the relevant tariff plan. The subscribers may use the provided bonuses only within Beeline network in Armenia. --0--