14:43 | 09.07.12 | News | 3838

Football field of Karakert renovated with the support of Orange Foundation

Yerevan/Mediamax/. In Karakert rural community of Armavir region was opened the local football field renovated with the support of Orange Foundation and the Children of Armenia Fund.

To mark the opening of the football field, the inter-community junior football tournament participated by the teams from 8 rural communities of Aragatsotn and Armavir regions was lunched on July 4th.

The tournament will last till 17 July.

The idea of renovation of the football field was advanced by the Children of Armenia Fund, which for years has been implementing education, health social and economic development programs in aforementioned regions. Thanks to Orange Foundation this program was brought to life with 4,164,600 AMD donated by the Foundation. Besides the renovation of the football field, more than 200 children from 8 rural communities were provided the possibility to get prepared for the tournament led by professional coaches.

During the opening of the tournament Nazareth Seferian, General Secretary of Orange Foundation, took the floor with a welcoming speech: “Rural development and well-being of children lay at the heart of Orange Foundation’s philanthropic activity. With great joy we are here to participate in the opening event of the renovated football field of Karakert, marked by this tournament. From today this field will host the residents of at least 8 communities of this region. With this undertaking we want to create the same conditions for local children as for their peers living in cities”.