11:49 | 20.12.11 | News | 2936

ArmenTel finances master-classes for pupils of Vanadzor Art School

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Within the framework of cooperation of “ArmenTel” (Beeline trademark) and Classical Music Development Fund, concerts and master classes were held at Vanadzor Art School after Tigran Chukhajyan. Master classes were held by famous musicians of Khachaturyan Trio.

“Open master classes held by world known musicians of Khachaturyan trio in Armenia’s regions will help young musicians preserve and multiply the traditions of Armenian performing arts for generations to come,” PR Manager of “ArmenTel” Anush Begloyan said.

 “Today’s master class is not the first project within the framework of cooperation with “ArmenTel”. In particular, a violoncello class has already opened in Vanadzor. “Musical surprise-salon” project has been also realized here. The project is regularly held in Yerevan and brings not only professional but also financial help for the participating students and pupils,” member of the Board of Guardians of the Classical Music Development Fund, Karen Shakhgaldyan, said.