17:53 | 07.12.11 | News | 3493

Newborn deaths have considerably decreased due to project jointly implemented by VivaCell-MTS and BirthLink

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Neonatal care project jointly implemented by VivaCell-MTS and BirthLink NGO continues.

Today VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian visited the Austrian Children’s hospital in Gyumri. The hospital was provided with an intensive care incubator, a CPAP system and other technical equipment, which will allow the medical staff to care for sick newborns with appropriate up to date and safe equipment.
“According to the statistics infant mortality rate in Armenia exceeds the rate in countries like UK and the USA for four times. VivaCell-MTS could not stay indifferent towards such bothering statistics”,- said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“Today specialists’ state that good dynamics can already be seen - newborn deaths have considerably decreased due to the equipment and professional training courses of the medical staff implemented in the frames of this project. Soon we will have the official figures and will be able to present more exact statistics”,- said Ralph Yirikian.
Since 2010 VivaCell-MTS and BirthLink, continuing their joint project, have been supporting hospitals in Shirak. In 2010 the Austrian Children’s hospital was supported with an intensive care incubator, together with CPAP, a non-invasive respiratory support system, monitor, heated mattress and technical equipment for monitoring jaundice in babies.
The introduction of CPAP in Armenia in 2009 is having significant impact to the outcomes for premature babies. This form of treatment for premature babies has been used widely in Europe and the US for the last fifteen years, and now, thanks to this initiative, babies in Armenia are receiving this treatment.