15:21 | 14.04.11 | News | 2472

“ArmenTel” to pay for medical treatment of 10 children from socially insecure families

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Beeline allocated a part of the means from realizing advertisement campaigns for treatment of children from socially insecure families of Armenia from various regions of the country.

Ten children at the age of 1-16 will undergo surgeries on reestablishment of health in Yerevan clinics.

The program is realized jointly with “Children Development Fund” organization.

“Within the framework of corporate social responsibility strategy, “ArmenTel” realizes numerous programs, aiming at supporting the growing generation. But this project is special, since children from various regions of Armenia will be able to deal with their illnesses due to direct participation of our customers. Each person, who has participated in our campaigns, has his/her contribution to a good deed”, General Director of “ArmenTel” CJSC Igor Klimko said.

The advertisement campaign “Happy Paintings”, which took place on from December 2010 to February 2, 2011, was directed at stimulating use of mobile content. According to the estimations of the organizers, each sixth purchase of mobile content by Beeline subscribers was made to benefit the philanthropic campaign on treatment and further rehabilitation of children.