17:20 | 25.03.11 | News | 2703

“In a fairytale world” children drawing festival winners’ awarding took place in “ArmenTel” headquarters

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Awarding of children, who won in all-Armenian festival of children drawing “In a fairytale world” took place in the headquarters of “ArmenTel” Company (Beeline trademark). Ten Armenian children from Armenia and the Diaspora received prizes from Armenian Ministry of Science and Education and gifts from “ArmenTel” Company.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of “ArmenTel” that over 1000 schoolchildren from various countries of the world participated in the competition within the framework of “In a fairytale world” festival. After the first stage of the competition, 160 best thematic works were exhibited in the Museum of Children Art in Yerevan. The finalists of the competition – authors of best works from Armenia and the Diaspora – received the chance to visit Armenia.

“The process of bringing up the growing generation cannot be organized only due to the system of education. Here participation of all level organizations – business, public unions, cultural centers, is important. This competition became an example of cooperation among various structures in the name of a common goal – bringing up a deserving generation”, Deputy Minister of Science and Education of Armenia Manuk Mkrtchyan stated.

“Visiting the children exhibition, I was pleasantly surprised and happy not only by the irrefutable talent, but also the life-asserting energy of the youth and childhood, which each of the children inserted in their works. Today we witnessed how the Armenian fairytale helped unite young people from the Diaspora here in Armenia around Armenian culture, Armenian heritage, Armenian values”, General Director of “ArmenTel” Igor Klimko said in his congratulating speech.