15:06 | 18.01.11 | News | 3213

Igor Klimko: They started to respect, love and consider “ArmenTel” as a serious player in the market

Yerevan /Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” Company (Beeline trademark) summed up the results of its activity in 2010. 

Mediamax reports that General Director of “ArmenTel” Company Igor Klimko described the year of 2010 as intensified for the company at a news conference today. He stressed that last year “ArmenTel” Company managed to register development in the spheres of mobile and internet connection. 

At that, Igor Klimko fused to name the indices, referring to the fact that the official report for 2010 will be ready in February. The Head of the Company noted that growth of subscriber base was registered in mobile sector. According to estimation data of an audit company, the number of “ArmenTel” subscribers makes over 643 thousands. 

In the sphere of landline internet (Hi-Line), serious and significant results were achieved. Thus, according to Igor Klimko, high speed internet became available almost for all citizens and at very affordable prices. He noted that from the moment of Beeline’s arrival in the Armenian market, the transmission capacity of external internet channels increased 137 times. 

Igor Klimko highlighted that as of today the company has the widest network in Armenia – 4 channels with transmission capacity of 40GB/sec each. According to him, as of the end of 2010, the number of 3G network’s stations made 220, while in early 2010 their number made 60.

Among achievements of the company for 2010, Igor Klimko also named the changes of the citizens’ attitude towards “ArmenTel” Company. “We managed to destroy the psychological barrier both among the consumers and among the employees of the company. They started to respect, love and consider “ArmenTel” a serious player in the market”, Igor Klimko stated.