14:03 | 02.11.10 | News | 2888

“ArmenTel” to be the sponsor of a scientific conference, devoted to the works of Leo Tolstoy

Yerevan/Mediamax/. “ArmenTel” Company (Beeline trademark) will be the sponsor of international science-practical conference “Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy: Russian and National Literatures”, organized by Public Organization of Cultural Relations with foreign countries, “Armenia-Russia” Friendship Society and Yerevan Humanitarian Institute.

Mediamax informed in the press service of the company, the event, which will take place on November 13-14, 2010, in Yerevan, is devoted to 100th anniversary since the day of the classic’s death.

Scientist- experts in literature from a number of leading Armenian higher educational institutions, as well as guests from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yasnaya Polyana, Eltz, Tula and Tbilisi will take part in the conference. Participants of the conference will present reports, which will enter the collection of scientific works of the conference.

““Bright Future with Beeline” is a motto our company is guided by, while realizing programs for assisting educational and cultural spheres of Armenia. The conference will help familiarize the growth generation with classic literature, and it will help specialists exchange rich experience in teaching the works of great Russian writer”, General Director of “ArmenTel” CJSC Igor Klimko stated.

“We welcome warm attitude of “ArmenTel” company towards advocating Russian literature and we are grateful to the company for assistance and profitable cooperation with public and educational establishments of Armenia”, Chairman of “Armenia-Russia” Friendship Society, Rector of Yerevan Humanitarian Institute Mikhail Amirkhanyan stated.