14:01 | 04.10.10 | News | 3732

Synopsys Armenia became a finalist for U.S. Secretary of State Award

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Synopsys in Armenia has been selected as one of twelve finalists for the Secretary of State’s 2010 Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE).

Mediamax was informed in the press service of U.S. Embassy in Armenia that these companies were chosen from a record number of 78 nominations submitted by American ambassadors around the world. Companies, working with American capital outside the USA, become finalists of this Award.

“Synopsis was recognized for the software and programming company’s promotion of U.S. and foreign investors by showcasing Armenia as a potential informational technology (IT) hub; its collaboration with universities on IT training programs; and its reduction of pollution levels in Armenia by planting hundreds of trees to counter recent deforestation”, the Embassy noted.

The Secretary of State has awarded the ACE since 1999. The 2010 ACE winners will be announced at the annual ceremony hosted by the Secretary of State later this fall. Detailed information is available at the website of U.S. Secretary of State: http://www.state.gov/e/eeb/ace/.