13:12 | 20.07.10 | News | 2744

Orange Armenia presented new terms for purchasing “special” numbers

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Orange Armenia presented today new terms for purchasing “special” numbers.

Mediamax reports that the General Director of the Company Bruno Duthoit stated today that any subscriber can get a “bronze”, “silver”, “gold” and “platinum” numbers by realizing a prepayment at the volume of respectively 5, 10, 50 and 100 thousand AMD, which will be entirely put on subscriber’s account as credit to be used for voice and mobile data services.

““Special” numbers are of special importance in Armenia and people had to spend quite large sums to purchase them”, Bruno Duthoit stated.

The new offer for “Special” numbers does not concern “diamond” ones, which will be put to sale later on by means of an auction, and the received means will be sent to charitable programs of Orange Armenia for children.