13:36 | 10.09.09 | News | 3058

Only 4 computer stores out of 20 in Yerevan offer licensed software, BSA research reports

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Only 4 out of 20 centers of computer sales in Yerevan offer licensed software.

Mediamax reports that these are the results of a research carried out by Business Software Alliance (BSA) on August 12-24.

As the Lawyer of the Company Narine Mkrtchyan stated, in the given period, employees of the company visited centers of computer sales and introduced themselves as customers. As a result of 5 visits to each center, they found out that only 4 out of 20 centers necessarily offered licensed programs.

According to Narine Mkrtchyan, the problem is that customers do not realize the criminal nature of non-licenses computer software. “Citizens, who purchase or download non-licensed software through internet, are potential thieves”, Narine Mkrtchyan noted.

She also stressed that the state now actively deals with the given issue, and, in particular, the activity of the interdepartmental committee on issues of intellectual property, aims at solving such problems.