15:53 | 17.01.24 | News | 16797

With the support of Ucom the solar plant installed in Aghavnadzor

Cooperation between Ucom and Arevordi NGOcontinues in the communities of Armenia. A 10.3 kW solar power plant has been installed on the kindergarten's roof.

Thanks to the electricity generated, the building will be heated during the colder months, ensuring a warm environment for the children. The solar plant installation became a reality through the collaboration between Ucom company and SunChild NGO.

“By installing a solar plant in this Aghavnadzor kindergarten, we are addressing several crucial issues. The kindergarten will now be heated, and the government will have the opportunity to allocate funds to other vital areas of development. This station is also significant as it draws attention to the adoption of alternative energy and promotes eco-education," stated Director General of Ucom, Ralph Yirikian.

"As environmental organization representatives, we are delighted to see the expansion of environmentally friendly electricity sources, and we welcome all steps aimed at protecting the environment. Our collaboration with Ucom will persist, and we are currently planning the sequence of further steps," stated Sona Kalantaryan, Director of SunChild NGO.