17:16 | 25.12.19 | News | 17861

Armenian PM’s staff and VivaCell-MTS to cooperate

The staff of Armenian Prime Minister and VivaCell-MTS signed a memorandum of cooperation on December 25.

It was signed by head of Deputy Prime Minister’s office Serge Varak Sisserian and VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

Under the memorandum, the sides agree to jointly organize anti-corruption and integrity education in state bodies and institutions of national importance.

Additionally, the parties will develop and install projects raising awareness of corruption, which will serve as the foundation for retraining of around 100 public servants and members of business community.

The sides also agreed to create and implement programs for application of information technologies in legal education sector, which will be carried out at law departments of at least three higher education institutions.