17:17 | 16.07.19 | News | 9686

VivaCell-MTS to solve the housing and wheelchair ramp issue in Aghavnadzor village

Dark rooms, rare windows and broken walls, leaking roof, a ramshackle balcony, wooden wheelchair ramp, and many more problems… The Babayans have been confronted with housing problem for quite long. The house, built over four decades ago, needs caring hands. Some works have been done in this house but there is still a need for complete renovation. Without support, the problem will not be solved. And that for objective reasons: the eldest son of the family, Alik, uses wheelchair to move. His condition is a consequence of an accident that happened 13 years ago.

Alik and his youngest brother, Artsrun, work, but that only helps solve the daily problems. After her husband's untimely death, Sona, their mother, who has raised her sons alone, dreams that the house built with her and her husband’s hands, becomes strong and decent again.

“The house was built by my parents. During years, the problems were solved only partially. The rooms have lighting problem. There is a need to add new windows and to change the old ones. Some parts of the balcony are crumbling. There is also a roofing problem that we have solved only partially. My wheelchair ramp is wooden, and sooner or later, it will collapse. I will have a problem moving in winter period. And in general, if we do nothing, the house will collapse over the years,” said the elder son, Alik.

“Our home has no rainwater drainage system. The walls have become damp and started to crumble. It’s been 15 years now the situation remains. We did not have an opportunity to renovate the house. The problem is still there. I dream to see my house bright and clean again,” Sona said.

The housing problem of the Babayan family appeared in the center of attention of partners implementing the program. With the support of VivaCell-MTS, the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia will be able to solve the problem of years in Aghavnadzor village of Vayots Dzor region by the end of the year.