14:42 | 25.01.19 | News | 7290

HyeTech EIP: 13 Armenian startups to visit Silicon Valley

13 Armenian startups will participate in HyeTech Entrepreneur Immersion Program 2019 (HyeTech EIP) to be held on February 15-24 in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley.

This 10-day intensive program aims at helping the founders get acquainted with the most useful innovations, as well as tech culture and tendencies in Silicon Valley.

52 teams applied for participation. Founders of 3 out of 13 selected startups are women.

HyeTech 2016 HyeTech 2016

HyeTech EIP was designed to help entrepreneurs get involved in Silicon Valley and use resources more efficiently, discover influential specialists and leading entrepreneurs in IT sector, as well as competitors, partners and potential customers.

The program has been implemented for the second time now. The first event was held in April of 2016 and provided participants with significant experience and knowledge in the sector.

According to the organizers, the rapid developments in startup landscape of Armenia over the last 2 years inspired Hye Tech, SmartGateVC and Globally to organize HyeTech EIP 2019.

To participate in the program it is required for startups to have risen less than USD 500K.

Startup founders will meet successful entrepreneurs and investors in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley, participate in consultations with them and discuss topics in business sphere.

HyeTech 2016 HyeTech 2016

The founders of the selected startups will be able to visit accelerators and investment firms to hear from the first source what investors are looking at and what changes are expected in the market.

The program will culminate into a pitching competition.

The sponsors of HyeTech EIP 2019 are HIVE Ventures, Teamable, EarlyOne, SmartClick, SFL, Soft Construct companies and a number of individuals, who have made their contribution.