12:48 | 18.10.18 | News | 11783

Beeline joins Global Ethics Day

Beeline Armenia joined Global Ethics Day, which is celebrated around the world on October 17.

Within the frames of the Global Ethics Day, which has been celebrated since 2014, companies in different countries organize events to once again emphasize the importance of ethics in business and reiterate their commitment to highest standards of honesty.

During the event Beeline compliance employees separated special areas at the administrative office, where staffers made notes, expressing their understanding of ethics. Then film viewing and discussion on the topic was organized.

“Companies around the world attach special importance to compliance function, as implementation of high standards of ethics is an absolute necessity in business, when it comes to communicating with partners and the society. Being a large international company, VEON Group also follows these approaches and tries to provide its companies with absolute transparency and honesty,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.

Compliance function has been incorporated in Beeline Armenia in 2016. It is aimed at providing high standards of transparency and ethics in all processes of the company. Compliance to business ethics reduces risks, excludes fraud, and helps achievement of goals and values of the company.