11:34 | 13.09.18 | News | 11690

VivaCell-MTS supports renovation of house in Zarinja village

VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia are building yet another house. The tangible result of the discussions and the agreement signed earlier in spring are the safe roofs over their heads of the families who have. The housing project of the current year is in process; the volunteer staff members involved in construction works are steady in their efforts.

Building homes has become a beautiful tradition for the partnering sides. This time, the team of volunteers has been in Zarinja village of Aragatsotn region participating in the construction of the house belonging to Atoyan family.

Four years ago, the Atoyans tried to solve the housing problem, but the expenses it required exceeded the means they could afford; the lack of financial means made them to accept the situation and to choose a temporary solution to the problem.

Aram had purchased a half-built house, but could not add a brick to it, and the family was forced to live with a Aram’s parents and his brother’s family eleven people in one place. The dream of making the half-built house a safe home remained unfulfilled.

“We still cannot believe that soon we will finish the construction and will move to live in our new home. This was a big dream that turned into a reality thanks to your support. My family and I are very happy and grateful that you gave us a hand-up to finish the consruction of our home,” said Aram.

The volunteers performed the plastering of the walls.

“In all those places, where we take part in the construction works, I look for change in the moods of the families. Why? Because the most important purpose of the program is to have people’s despair of the years replaced with confidence in the future. The burden of housing problem is so heavy that people are oftentimes quite reserved even in expressing their joy and excitement. I am sure the perspective of the coming day is not vague any more for this young family. I believe it is equally important that the program implemented together with our partner makes people in the regions feel at the center of our attention, and lets them solve the seemingly insolvable problems in a dignified way,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

“Our aim is to create simple, decent environment and to improve the family’s quality of life. It’s obvious that by building a home for Aram’s family we will also ease the burden of his parents’ family and that is a double success,” said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.