12:49 | 22.01.16 | Articles | exclusive 5568

    Truthly presents new functions

    Truthly platform that gives opportunity to honestly and anonymously make confessions to friends has around 30 000 subscribers already.

    The number of subscribers to the platform only in Armenia is approaching 20 000.
    One of the co-founders, Hrachya Manukyan told Itel.am that he has noticed more activity since December last year.

    “We finished the main part of the development of Truthly at the beginning of December and decided to spread it in Armenia finally. 20 000 people subscribed to the platform during one month. Currently, 1500 questions are asked per day in general and 4000 opinions are given. The overall number of subscribers from different countries is 30 000”, he said.

    According to the co-founder of Truthly it is slowly becoming a unique social network website.

    “We started spreading Truthly in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus 2 days ago. The activeness is growing. There are already around 1000 subscribers from those countries”, he said.

    Hrachya Manukyan also talked about Truthly’s innovations- particularly about featured profiles and requests.

    “Seeing such an interest towards the platform in Armenia we decided that Truthly can become a good opportunity for businesses to get honest opinions, suggestions and complaints about their business. Of course it is about the businesses that value constructive criticism of their customers. Thus we had the idea of featured profiles and requests. Featured request appear not only on friends’ feed but also all subscribers’ feeds: people can express their opinions freely”, he said.

    The function was first tested on “gg” company yesterday during beta testing.

    “Around 80 opinions were gathered in the morning, mainly constructive. We will try it with another company next week. It’s true that the new feature will be paid, but it will be free for the first 3-4 companies that would like to try it out. We are talking about companies that are known in the country”, Hrachya Manukyan concluded.

    Narine Daneghyan