13:06 | 15.01.16 | Articles | exclusive 11391
“Calculator APPA” app developed by Armenian specialists comprises calculators for APPA payment, car and technical examination.
The apps is created by Artak Abrahamyan and Aram Mkhoyan. The promotion and development of the app is carried out by “Simple Solutions”.
Talking to Itel.am, “Simple Solutions” team lead Gor Karapetyan said that the app is targeted for car owners registered in Armenia as well as insurance agents working in the CMTPL (APPA) field.
According to him, they are going to increase the environment charge calculator in near future.
“It’s more than a month that the app has been launched and it already has over 500 downloads. The motive for creating the app was that Android didn’t have such an app while there was a demand for it. We are also going to work out the app’s iOS version as the number of users is quite large in Armenia”, stressed Gor Karapetyan.
Narine Daneghyan