15:24 | 26.03.18 | News | 25447

    Beeline Armenia joins Earth Hour campaign

    Beeline Armenia joined Earth Hour international climate campaign, held on March 24 2018 at 20:30-21:30.
    For an hour the company turned off the lights in all administrative buildings of Beeline, including external lighting in a number of sales and customer service centers and illumination of tens of outdoor advertising panels throughout Armenia.
    “Earth Hour campaign has already become a symbol of careful attitude towards the environment. Tens of thousands of cities around the world participate in the campaign to draw humanity’s attention to the necessity of taking responsibility for the environment. Beeline observes joining this initiative as an important step, aimed at taking care of future generations, as great examples always have many supporters. Together we can change the world for the better,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.